Search Results for "simpler"

Web reviews

CDN77 Service Review

Why Should You Use a CDN? When I launched my very first website, I made several efforts to optimize it for search engines. I used multiple keyword research and link building tools, yet there was no significant change in traffic. Then I got to know that Google considers site speed […]


Debunking these 5 App Myths for Better Traction

Not every mobile app turns out to be a success and therefore developers need to be wary of rejections and failures. However, there are times when even the best of ideas— related to app creation fall flat on face and competitors who offer similar set of enhancements start getting noticed— […]

Small business

What the Move to CMMC 2.0 Means for Your Business

Late in 2021, the Department of Defense made an announcement proposing significant changes to CMMC. They described a transition to a new and simpler version two of CMMC. Some of the changes included were to items like compliance levels, cyber security controls, and self-assessment. Now many businesses are wondering what […]


Ad Blocking: A Savior or a Problem?

Currently, there is a lot happening in the industry and one of them is ad blocking. Depending who you are (A customer or an advertiser), you might consider it as a savior or a budding problem. Well, both the points make sense, to some extent. No matter who you are […]


Key Factors of Automating Payroll Accounting

Automated Payroll Options For several small business entrepreneurs, payroll is a headache. To get rid of it, and still pay workers and tax enthusiasts on a detailed and time base, you will find a number of techniques to automate the procedure. These strategies include implementing payroll software program in-house, moving […]


How to pick a smartwatch in 2017

The fight for your wrist is on. In any case, what would it be a good idea for you to search for in a smartwatch? Utilize these tips to pick the best gadget for your necessities and spending plan. From huge names, for example, Apple and Samsung to customary watchmakers […]


The Importance of Mobile Apps for Your Business

If you’re the owner of a small business, you might find the following stats interesting: There are 7.19 billion mobile phones in the world and just over 2 billion of them are smartphones. Today, mobile internet usage is much more than desktop internet usage. An overwhelming majority of local searches […]