Search Results for "residence"

Exteriors Interiors

Basic Ways how Granite Can Be Used

Granite is one of the most accepted construction resources of all. It has been taken into consideration for thousands of years in both outdoor as well as indoor uses. Granite rock is used in bridges, buildings, monuments, pavement and many different external projects. As far as consideration of indoors, graceful […]

Real estate

Seniors And Real Estate: What To Know

Baby Boomers sure know how to draw attention to themselves, don't they? At every stage of their lives, this generational group has left a distinctive imprint on American society - from the massive swarm of babies that marked their arrival, to their incendiary days of youthful rebellion in the ‘60s, […]


What to Consider When Converting a Van

Have you ever considered packing your life into a van and go off travelling; destination wherever? This may be easier than you think. Many people go into retirement just to have an old van lying dormant on their driveway, but why not make the most it? Don't be deceived into […]


What Makes a Stained Glass Window Shine?

The world is full of beautiful things but there is perhaps nothing quite as breathtakingly vivid as a stained glass window illuminated by bright rays of sunshine. When viewed from the dark interior of a building, stained glass appears to be a riot of color—sapphire blues, ruby reds, and emerald […]


Owning a Zero Emission Car

There are many reasons why zero emission cars provide a benefit over a standard automobile that uses gasoline, the primary reason being the elimination of oil fuel dependency. There is also an environmentally green added benefit that zero emission cars do not emit carbon oxides which poison the environment. The […]

Other stories

Skyscrapers and Tubular Structural Systems

Fazlur Khan, considered the father of modern skyscraper designs is responsible for the tubular structural engineering designs, “It was his unique ability to bridge the gap between architectural design and structural engineering that truly set Faz apart from other structural engineers.” - John Zil. His designs transformed the cities skylines, […]