Search Results for "distinct company"


Negative Bias in Online Reviews

You thought you could do some minor electrical work in your house yourself - several blown circuit breakers and a severely tarnished pride later, you realize you were wrong. You finally concede that it's time to seek professional help. You need an experienced, certified electrician. But how do you go […]


How To Make a Webinar

Webcasting did not only bring number of benefits to small folks in form of audio and video podcasts, but it also largely contributed to large companies in their business fields. Regardless of industry, various webcast forms changed the way we interact with online audience. One of the most famous internet […]


Benefits of ISO 14001 Accreditation

Nowadays, more and more businesses are deciding to obtain and achieve the prestigious ISO 14001 accreditation; the National Trust is among the organisations who have the award. Furthermore, a leading assessment company has recently stated that the number of companies with the certification has risen four-fold since 2008. It is […]

Other stories

Skyscrapers and Tubular Structural Systems

Fazlur Khan, considered the father of modern skyscraper designs is responsible for the tubular structural engineering designs, “It was his unique ability to bridge the gap between architectural design and structural engineering that truly set Faz apart from other structural engineers.” - John Zil. His designs transformed the cities skylines, […]


Introduction To Forex Trading

Forex trading-also known as FX trading-refers to purchases and sales of international currencies as diverse as Euro, Japanese Yen, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Great Britain’s Pound Sterling. In FX lingo, these currencies bear the respective acronyms of EUR, JPY, USD, CAD and GBP. Over the last several years, FX […]


How Logos Help Develop a Brand

Logos are essential to help reinforce the identity and branding of a business. As a business promotes its products and services, the logo helps to raise awareness and increases brand recognition. A distinctive logo that used on products, marketing materials and packaging becomes an advertising tool of its own. As […]


Designing Electronic Device Labels

While a manufacturer will usually be most concerned with what is going on on the inside of an electronic device, the user will generally only interact with the outside-that is why it is important to think carefully about the design. When putting together a new device, you can add industrial […]

Business Management

Issue Management Plan Structure and Approaches

The issue management plan (ISM) is basically a representation of how a company or an individual will deal with technical, environmental, and project-specific issues. While such issues exist or will inevitably appear, ISM’s purpose is to discuss and identify possible solutions. ISM application The issue management plan is usually used […]