Search Results for "calcium"


Marketing Nutrition Products Made for Women

Whatever the product, from a breakfast cereal to a power bar, there is now a massive market for specific products that meet gender-unique nutritional needs. The brands that entered the nutrition-for-women market likely based their decisions on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) findings, like those from 1996: Less than half […]


Best Foods to Promote Bone Health

[youtube] Most people know that calcium is good for bone health, but they may not know which food ingredients are rich in this particular nutrient. While many people can recite general answers regarding the nutrients that should be consumed in order to promote bone health, they may not have […]


Dos & Don’ts of Basic Care For a Sensitive Skin

What exactly is the dermatological definition of “sensitive skin”? In layman's terms, it is skin that gets flushed, itchy, red and inflamed easily, due to genetics, environmental factors like cold and pollution in the air and water, or due to the use of wrong products. Sensitive skin can have a […]


Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

We all know that sugary drinks are a serious obesity threat. There are many reasons to give up drinking soda, even the diet variety. At the very least, make it a rare occasion. Here are just a few. It’s Bad For Your Teeth As any dentist will tell you, soda […]

Elder care

How to Exercise Your Frail Bones

As the body ages the bones naturally begin to weaken. The degree of bone loss can be measured using a test called the bone mineral density test. This indicates the strength of the bones and what risk there is that they may break. Osteoporosis is the most severe form of bone loss […]

Health Nutrition

What Bodybuilding Supplements Do I Need?

One of the best decisions you can make for your health is to start a bodybuilding routine. Besides getting that envious body shape, you can directly or indirectly reap many health benefits. Typically, bodybuilding entails lifting weights (resistance training) at different levels. In the process, your body will burn a […]