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Creativity Has no Limits with Pearl Jewellery

Pearls are the rarest but purest gems of all. Its beauty is unique, classy and different. It carries fine texture with a luster and orient in it. No matter how much it costs, it is worth wearing pearls and look above all. Creativity has no definition other than phenomena which […]


Trendy Sunglasses in 2013

Sunglasses have always been a reflection of both personality and style. Now that summer is just around the corner, a trusty pair of sunnies is sure to be your new best friend. From geometric shapes, new original designs, and bold powerful colours, here are some of the most dashing sunnies of […]


How to Dress for Ascot Ladies Day

The Royal Ascot Races are a popular tradition in the UK, where horse racing and fashion go hand-in-hand. Over the years, the opportunity for dressing their best and rubbing shoulders with the elite has had many women develop an interest in the sport and the events. In a manner no […]


DIY Burlesque Costumes

So you've been invited to a fancy dress party and you're not sure who or what to go as. You did Batman and Robin last year, and your Cher wig is well past its prime. Well if the exhibitionist in you wants to peep from behind the curtains then why […]


History of Converse Shoes

One of the popular shoe brands in the market today, and also the favorite of many teenagers and young ones, is Converse. Converse is perhaps the oldest, most sought-after, and best-selling shoe brands of all time with a total of $1.1 billion annual revenue as of 2011. It has been […]


Fashion Trends Around The World

It's interesting how different styles are popular around various parts of the world. What is "in style" varies from nation to nation. Learning about fashion trends around the world opens up your eyes to a little bit of unique culture! Let's take a look at some of the most unique […]

Society & Culture

Gold Terminology

We all know what gold is and most of us own some but many people get confused by the specialist terms used to describe the metal in its various forms. If you are buying gold it important to know what you are looking at. If you have ever been bamboozled […]