
8 Tips For Writing Compelling Product Descriptions

Is your product copy enticing enough to attract your prospects to buy or at the least, influence their buying decision? If your answer is in the negative, then you might be making a mistake. Simply describing your product and telling them what it does, wouldn’t serve the purpose. The secret to writing a unique and informative product description lies in following a set procedure of engaging, coaxing and consequently selling the product to the prospective customers.

The job does not end at simply writing the descriptions. The sellers should make judicious use of words and keywords fitting the 2000-character limit, and make their products visible to your prospects, persuading them to make a purchase. But the question is – how can you actually sell your products on Amazon with the help of persuasive product descriptions?

In order to create descriptions that motivate the prospects to click the ‘buy’ button, here are 9 valuable tips to get you started:

  • Apply The 6 Ws To Write Good Descriptions

The concept of 6 Ws of marketing can be applied to product descriptions as well. Address the product description writing with the following:

  • Who is your target audience?

You should know their interests and must explain to them through product descriptions how they help in value addition.

  • What are the product specifications?

Product Descriptions must include the key features and benefits, and also elaborate on how the product is different from others.

  • Where can the product be used?

Specify the place where your product can be used (indoors, outdoors or any other unique place).

  • When to use the product?

Another important detail to be mentioned in the description is the time when the customers can actually use the product (if it is a seasonal item or can be used while traveling, and so on).

  • Why should someone buy your product?

You must persuade the prospects to buy your product and tell them how your product can make their lives better. Specify the problem it solves and mention any unique attribute it possesses.

  • How does your product function?

Explain to your prospects how a product functions, especially when a new technology is launched. This can be done by simply inserting the technical details in the description.

  • Bridge The Gap Between Benefits and Features

To make your audience aware of how your product works and why they should invest in it, it is important that you spell out the benefits within the product features. To be precise, specify how a certain product feature is beneficial for your customers, and why is it essential.

  • Mind The Tone of Voice

The tone you use to write descriptions significantly differentiates you from your competition. Using a particular tone of voice may work wonders for your product. Instead of writing something boring, make it more persuasive and engaging. After all, product descriptions and their voicing used ultimately compels a potential buyer to make a purchase.

  • Reassurance Is The Key

As quoted by Martina Mercer on Moz, “Every consumer suffers from buyer’s guilt”.

A buyer usually feels guilty for spending money even before he makes a purchase. In such a case, the product copy should add an element of reassurance, eliminating the buyer’s guilt. Let them know it’s a bargain or simply make it sound as if it is exclusive, essential and will save money in the long-run. Illustrating multiple benefits of the product will also be a great help in reassuring them.

  • Use Your Imagination While Writing The Copy

Write a product copy that appeals to your prospect’s imagination, and allows them to virtually touch and feel the product even when they practically can’t.

  • Make The Descriptions Scannable

Grab your prospect’s attention by making the product descriptions scannable. This can be done by incorporating bullet points for benefits and features, making use of readable fonts and inserting visual content as well.

  • Use Social Proof To Influence Buying Decision

When customers are on the verge of making a purchase, they often look for suggestions and referrals. Product reviews and ratings are a powerful deciding factor that convinces customers more quickly and let them make up their minds for the same. Review sites like Yelp will make it easy for prospective customers to decide which product to buy. A buyer is more likely to buy a product that has received 5 stars over a product having a 3-star rating.

  • Optimize Descriptions For Search Engines

Buyers most often use search engines to find the product they are looking for. So it is important that you write keyword-targeted descriptions. This way your prospects will be able to reach you by searching for a relevant keyword.

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