

How much does conveyancing cost in Australia?

How long is a piece of string? Trying to answer questions about the cost of conveyancing is very difficult, as there are so many variables which come into play. Understandably, people want to be able to budget for the necessary costs, so questions about the cost of conveyancing are usually […]


What Bicycle Accident Attorneys Can Do for You

If you are a cyclist, you surely know that you are especially vulnerable if you are involved in an accident, which is considered almost as a collision due to the fact that the cyclist gets a direct impact on the body in case of an accident. Has your accident been in […]


Who is to Blame for a Tesla Autopilot Crash?

Technologies like autonomous driving and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become the next frontier in the human-persistent quest for efficiency. The semi-autonomous driving technology, however, like any new venture, has been laden with risk. Tesla, for example, has been at the front of semi-autonomous innovation, but its cars have been under […]

Wreck Lawyers

Should You Hire a Traffic Accident Lawyer?

You have been involved in a road accident and are looking for a lawyer. It can actually be useful to enlist the services of a lawyer to defend yourself. However, this must correspond to a real need. This lawyer must also be specialized in road or traffic accidents and more […]

Distracted Driving-Related Accidents

What Mistakes Can Ruin My Car Accident Claim?

Car accidents can happen every day, without a warning. When you get involved in one, the chances are that you will suffer multiple injuries, which will affect your life in general. Most car accidents occur as a result of: Distraction Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol Speeding Road […]


David, Goliath and The Atlantic Divide of Defamation Law

Earlier this month, a 64-year old British expat, a private individual and keen amateur scuba diver took on America’s flashiest and most outspoken playboy billionaire in a heavily publicised defamation claim, and the billionaire won. Bringing the case in California, Vernon Unsworth, the Claimant, sought damages in relation to a […]