
How to Jumpstart a Car Blog that can Drive Dollars to Your Bank Account

You can find a blog on just about any topic these days. One of the most popular blog niches, of course, revolves around cars. But not all car blogs are created equal. In order to get noticed, you’ll need to hone in on your nice audience and build your specific, if not special brand of blog.

Finding Your Niche

Beginning a new car blog means you need to find a niche. With so many car blogs already published, you need to tap into an audience who is dying to read/watch your content. When it comes to car blog topics, you need to fill a gap that exists in automotive fan’s lives.

A niche is something specific that appeals to a certain group of people. By avoiding making your blog too broad and, ironically, making it appeal to too few people, you need to target a specific audience who craves your information.

If you liken your blog to a body of water, your target audience should seem like a small pond. Why? Because it’s a heck of a lot easier to catch fish in a small pond than a great lake where the fish swim much further apart.


The key to creating a great as opposed to ho hum blog is writing what you are passionate about. If you’re not interested in the subject matter in your blog than it’s going to show itself on the digital page. The rule of thumb for blog writing is this: if you’re not having fun writing, the reader isn’t going to have any fun reading.


Before you coin your blog’s title, head on over to Google Trends to determine the interest and/or demand in the topic or topics you have in mind. Graphs will tell you how popular your niche is presently, and how popular it could be in the long run. Conversely it will tell you if the topic is on the decline.


You should also check out your niche competition. The less competition the better. You can use Google AdWords to get an idea of keywords that contain “the most balanced level of competition overall.” In the end, this will help you determine if your niche is going to be profitable in both the short and long run.

Some Car Niches to Consider

Maybe you’re a mechanic who know a lot about the inner workings of just about any car/vehicle being driven on the road today. You can write blogs on topics as diverse, but niche friendly, as “The Right Motor Oil for Your Ford F150 Engine” to “I’ve lost my car keys. What do I do?”

Topics like these are easy to research right on your Google app. For example, according to Car Keys Pro, a car locksmith in Chicago, if you’ve locked your keys in your car, you need to contact an outfit that can service you 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, and who carry all the necessary equipment to reprogram remote controls at the roadside. For certain, this is a topic that might appeal to just about any driver who dreads the day they lock their keys in their car.

You can also choose niche topics like car painting or driving techniques. Anything is fair game so long as the competition isn’t all that fierce. Once you hone in on your niche, try and whittle it down to a certain facet. If the car blog you wish to launch concerns a certain brand, maybe consider focusing in even further on a specific model.

Naming Your Unique Car Blog

Now comes the time you’ve been waiting for. Giving your blog a name. It’s been suggested that you go with something that’s short, sweet, memorable, and relevant to the audience you wish to cater to (the same goes for creating your YouTube and Instagram TV channels too).

Suggested titles for car blogs might be “Auto Parts from A to Z,” or “Just Jeeps.” If you’re having trouble coming up with the right name, you can go online and use a blog name generator to find ideas. Remember, creating a distinctive car blog should be all about the fun. Take your time when coming up with a name. Let your mind wander. When you have a few ideas, bounce them off friends and family.

Getting the Blog Up and Running

Now that you’ve decided on a car blog title, it’s time to get your site up and running. The easiest, most cost-effective way to do this? The experts will tell you to start a WordPress blog. Just Google “WordPress” and you will find precisely what you need to do to get your car blog going from zero to sixty MPH in no time.

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