Author: Kidal D.


Tips for Starting Your Own Manufacturing Business

Considering starting your own manufacturing business? It can be incredibly rewarding physically to make a product that people/businesses want, plus it can be a secure industry because there is always a need for high-quality goods. It is easy to see why so many people start their own small manufacturing business, […]


What is digital accounting?

Computers and technology have transformed the accountancy sector. Digital accounting – carrying out financial management and reporting in an electronic format – is the new norm. Advancements in technology mean accountants can report on and interpret data much faster and more efficiently. This has changed the face of accountancy, allowing […]


Who is to Blame for a Tesla Autopilot Crash?

Technologies like autonomous driving and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become the next frontier in the human-persistent quest for efficiency. The semi-autonomous driving technology, however, like any new venture, has been laden with risk. Tesla, for example, has been at the front of semi-autonomous innovation, but its cars have been under […]