Author: Kidal D.


5 Top Tips to Get the Nutrients That You Need

Getting the nutrients that you need is vital to maintain your health and ensure that your body works at its maximum potential. However, increasing your intake is more than just eating healthily, and many people fall into the common pitfalls when they are trying to create a nutrient-rich diet for […]


How To Prevent Fine Lines Around The Eyes

As you age, wrinkles and a few fine lines will begin forming under your eyes. This process usually starts in your 20s. You shouldn’t be frightened about it because it’s a sign that your skin cells are losing collagen and minimizing their ability to renew themselves. Some fine lines and […]


Pharmacological Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Advances in the neurobiology of alcohol dependence have enabled the introduction of new drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. The pharmacological treatment of alcoholism is reviewed. Drugs that decrease the desire to drink have become a first-line alternative. The review of the studies carried out with acamprosate or with naltrexone […]