Customer services

6 Tips for Engaging Clients in The Summer Months

The summer slowdown is inevitable and it can be difficult to engage meaningfully with clients. When they are busy and distracted by so many different activities, you need to find creative ways to engage them. These six tips can help you bring in more clients during the slow months.

  1. Tie your marketing in with the season

Put a summer spin on your marketing. Give examples of how customers can use your products or services while enjoying summer activities.

People tend to be more casual in summer and your blog, social media posts and emails should reflect this. Save those technical posts for another time of the year and post some lighthearted video content instead.

  1. Increase your activity on social media

People still check their social media accounts daily in summer. Post consistently and try some summer-themed content to catch their attention. Increasing activity on social media can be daunting and if you need some help, consider reaching out to Greenfly.

The company will help you with content collaboration and distribution with your community. For instance, those in the sports industry wanting to use social media in sports can engage fans with authentic, real-time content.

  1. Hold a webinar instead of a traditional meeting

For service-based businesses, in particular, holding webinars in the summer months can help to grow your client base. Webinars allow you to engage with clients who might have a problem your business can solve but don’t have time to attend a traditional meeting. Just make sure the webinar is compelling and speaks directly to them.

Try recording a quick webinar of about 15 minutes that shows how you’ve helped other clients. You can use any screen sharing application for your “pitch,” upload it to your YouTube channel and send a link to potential participants who can join you live or watch the recorded version later. You can also advertise your webinar in advance on Facebook and other social media channels.

  1. Contact past clients

In the summer months, you can re-engage with clients from the past six to 12 months who already know you and trust you. Drop them an email to ask how they’re getting on. Show an authentic personal interest in them and start a conversation.

Find out how things are going in their business and whether the solution you offered them is working. This may not always lead to a sale but it will remind them that you’re there for them and get you back on their radar. Assuming you did a good job the first time, clients will remember you when they need further work done.

  1. Publish an online newsletter

If you don’t already have an online newsletter, consider starting one. If you do have one, increase your publication rate. In the summer months, you need to make sure you stay in front of your clients with relevant information that addresses their problems.

This will make them more inclined to buy from you. Include a call to action at the end of content pieces, such as mentioning your blog, a specific offer or a webinar.

  1. Add value instead of cutting prices

You may be tempted to cut prices when sales are slower but if you cut prices, you make less profit. Instead of selling items for less, you could try to entice customers by increasing the perceived value of your products or services.

Add value to what you already sell. For example, when they purchase over a certain amount, you could reward them with a branded item. You may be surprised by how clients respond.

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