Search Results for "natural therapies"


Glutathione – Nature’s Natural Detoxifier

Our bodies produce a very potent antioxidant called glutathione. Glutathione is a complex of three different amino acids that come together in a unique way to support normal cellular detoxification and protect our cells from stressful chemical reactions. Problems can occur when our glutathione production cannot keep up with the […]


Top 5 Ways To Treat Diabetes Naturally

According to The National Diabetes Statistics Report in 2017, there are 30.3 million people in the US having diabetes, in which 23.1 million ones are diagnosed, and 7.2 million people are undiagnosed. Diabetes could be seen as a disease of high blood glucose levels due to the inability to produce […]


Understanding Whiplash in Depth

Whiplash is not a singular injury, but a variety of injuries that occur simultaneously due to a sudden jerking motion of the neck, often caused by car accidents, sports injuries, or physical abuse. The term ‘whiplash’ is derived from the whip-like motion that the neck and head make, causing injuries […]


5 Causes and Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is a condition in which a person gradually loses vital kidney function. Unfortunately, this disease is fairly common. In fact, it has been estimated that approximately 37 million Americans have this condition. Why Is CKD So Significant? The conditions that […]


How to Treat Stretch Marks and Cellulite

Women aren’t the only ones who suffer from cellulite and stretch marks. Men can suffer from both, too but men’s bodies are less scrutinized than women’s. Cellulite and stretch marks are two common issues that can cause a woman to feel insecure with her body. Surgery, store-bought topical creams, and […]


Our Body’s War With Inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is one of the contributing factors that lead to the onset of the following diseases? Autism Headaches Alzheimer’s Heart Disease Diabetes I & II Heartburn Hypoglycemia Inflammatory Bowel Disease Metabolic Syndrome Kidney Disease Cancer Parkinson’s Candida Respiratory Disease Rheumatic Disease Lyme Disease Q: What are […]


Major Causes and Treatments of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is not only a heavy snoring condition, but rather a medical disorder that causes poor quality sleeping as a result of repeated breathing pauses that cannot be controlled by the victims. A person experiencing sleep apnea will not at any time notice if they stopped breathing durin their […]


Marijuana – Ways it is Being Used Nowadays

Different countries and cities in the world have legalized the use of marijuana for different purposes, such as recreational, industrial and medicinal use. What interests us in this article is to highlight the medicinal use that the plant may have. Due to legalization in other countries, relatively more scientific research has […]