Search Results for "citric acid"


Propylene Glycol: What It Is and Its Uses

Propylene glycol is a colorless and odorless liquid which can be derived from natural gas, petroleum, or vegetable sources. It is widely used because of its relatively low cost and versatile nature. Propylene Glycol is found in many personal-care products like hair conditioner, shampoo, and styling products. The industrial-grade is […]


What’s the Big Deal About Garcinia Cambogia

For those of you who haven’t heard about it, garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that’s ubiquitous in Asia, where it’s primarily used for cooking. Why might you have heard about it? Because this little fruit is also reported to help you lose weight. Though, it’s not the meat of […]


10 Oatmeal Face Masks For Acne And Scars

One of the outstanding benefits of oats is reducing cholesterol level in your body. Besides its health benefits, oats contain a ton of beauty benefits. For instance, oatmeal aids in removing itching and acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Acne is mainly caused by inflammation, according to experts. […]


12 All Natural Recipes For Flawless Skin

Most women hope that they will have a flawless skin, but having a flawless skin is not easy. Nowadays, there are many harmful things that damage our hair, such as the dust, dirt, pollution, etc. Many people used the beauty products to have a flawless skin, but they also have […]


14 Natural Tips For Removing Moles On Your Skin

Moles are black, flesh-colored or brown patches or spots on your skin that form because of the collection of melanocytes. The appearance and number of your moles may be affected by factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and hormonal fluctuations. You can avoid regular moles by using many natural tips […]


10 Lesser-known Uses of Lemon Peel

No one would associate health benefits with lemon peels. But you’ll be surprised to know that it is responsible for fighting, preventing and treating many health conditions you wish you never had. So, before you throw out the humble lemon peel next time, think again. Perhaps, you should dry it […]