Search Results for "average agile"


Are You as Agile as a World Class Athlete?

Now that Rio is in full swing, everyone is talking about this year’s Games. Olympic years are always high points for athletes and sports enthusiasts the world over – there’s the thrill of the competition, the awe of seeing athletes at the top of their fields, and the special way […]


You Should Know These Most Common Genetic Disorders

Genetic disorders are generally caused due to genetic abnormalities, like a mutation in the genes or the presence of additional chromosomes in the overall genetic makeup. Genetic abnormalities can easily be identified due to the widespread and deeper penetration of technology in the healthcare sector. Numerous studies are conducted to […]

the benefits of having telecommuting employees

The Benefits of Telecommuting Employees

The benefits of allowing employees to work from home are boundless especially as currently companies are finding it hard to retain their talent pool and this has already proven to be a great success. Telecommuting, also called telework, teleworking, working from home, mobile work, remote work and flexible workplace, is […]


Cute Horse Breeds to Keep as Pets

Unlike indoor pets, horses give you both companionship and ensure that you keep fit. Many people think that a horse is just another frightening animal. Those who keep horses as pets can disagree with this notion. Horses are one of the cutest animals created and come with various breeds. They […]

Other stories

The Science of Construction

When people think of science, they often envision a white-coated engineer, sequestered in a lab somewhere with bubbling beakers of brightly-colored solutions. Nearby, an assistant scribbles down pages and pages of data–all of it meaningless to the average person. But science is a far more hands-on field than that. The […]

Rugged Computing Devices

Consumerization Of Rugged Computing Devices

Once limited to durables scrapped in warehouses, the market for rugged computing devices has expanded in recent years to include classifications of computing gadgets that are capable of functioning in harsh environmental conditions. The demand for rugged devices outside the four walls - such as manufacturing plants, warehousing and distribution centers […]