Month: August 2014


Vegetables You Can Grow in Shade

We all know, that most vegetables need lots of sun and water in order to grow, blossom and give any fruit at all. This is why it’s very important for your garden to have a good exposition to light, and it also needs to be protected from the wind and […]


Applications for Industrial Computing

The Industrial Revolution completely changed the way we built everything. What had previously been painstakingly crafted by hand, using what we would now consider rudimentary tools, became much more efficient. The movement was not without its problems; you can look no further than the work of Upton Sinclair for proof […]


Benefits of SSD Virtual Private Servers

SSD Virtual Private Servers are cloud-based dedicated servers which enables users to store as much content as desired, according to the selected plan. They come with improved performance in comparison to normal servers, promoting high performance, energy efficiency and better traffic handling. They have an almost 100% uptime and can […]


The Sales Rep's Motto [Infographic]

Most sales reps spend 40% or more of their time collecting and assembling information for their next sales pitch. While this time is not futile, as it helps to perfect the presentation, perhaps the sales rep could produce a higher return by boosting sales enablement by 10%. You can raise […]