Three Ways SEO Marketing Can Help the Plight of Your Polar Bears

best-seo-practicesLet’s suppose you sell a variety of soft toy polar bears because you own a business that aims to increase environmental awareness. Your business is booming on the high street, but your website lives in a ghost town. On the surface of it, the website looks good and you’ve asked your staff to promote your online delivery service. You thought that high street success would translate into online profitability, but it hasn’t.


Because online results aren’t driven by the same factors that rule the high street. Running a business is about partnering with the right people who can help increase your search engine rankings. You need an SEO marketing company that understand Google Analytics and can use their findings to increase your online visibility. Here are three ways SEO services can help put your polar bears on Google page one.

Google page 1

If your polar bears are living on page 3 of Google’s search results (meaning an abyss no one will ever see), it might be that people aren’t searching for the product as you’ve been describing it. An SEO company can use analytics to better understand what people are typing into their web browsers, they can also see related search terms. If you’ve been describing your product as ‘cute cuddly bears’, you might have been missing out on all the people searching ‘polar bear toys’. Google rankings are important, the closer you are to the top search result, the more people will visit your site. People rarely continue on to Google’s second page.

Put it in writing

There are three types of written content that digital marketing focuses on: the writing on your web pages that describe company and product; blog posts on other sites; and blog posts on your own site. Hopefully your product descriptions also include terms people look for, but if they don’t, an SEO company can recommend a natural way of incorporating those words onto your website.

The second type of SEO writing is content that goes to external pages. Imagine for a second that someone is looking for something but they don’t know what it is yet. Then they read this great article on the plight of polar bears, find a link that points them to your page and decide to buy a polar bear plush toy to help raise awareness.

The third kind of SEO content is also a blog post, but it’s placed directly on your website to keep your page new and interesting for the customer. Internal blog posts are about all the topics that might be interesting for people to read about relating to your product and brand. These articles can inform the reader about specific products they might be interested in purchasing as well.

Social Media

The internet is dominated by social media. You want people from all across the web to know about your product, so attracting attention in the places they spend most of their time, (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn) will boost the number of visitors to your website. All you need is a link that takes people back to your product at the tail end of a highly sharable post, and you will increase your online visibility significantly.

SEO services are about finding ways to increase a company’s online presence. This is done by improving search result rankings, employing content that links people back to your product, and increasing awareness of your brand on social media. If people are complaining about the heatwave on social media, it might be a good time to mention the plight of polar bears drifting at sea, and perhaps a mention of the soft toys you sell to raise awareness.

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