
How to Have a Better Sex Life?

30What man doesn’t want to not only be better at sex, but learn how to connect physically and emotionally with their partner? While it seems some men are born with a natural ability to satisfy their sexual partner, most find themselves fumbling through foreplay and questioning their abilities. This is where The Sex Wisdom comes into play. Designed to not only educate its users, but to encourage self-esteem and confidence, this online course offers unique tips, techniques and truths to unlock the secrets to great sex.

Sexuality Coursework for Real Adults

Unlike other "sex manuals," which offer regurgitated information freely found throughout the Internet, The Sex Wisdom consists of information cultivated through the minds of professional sexologists. Throughout the 35 hour course, men are taught techniques and secret information on a variety of topics. While makers of this course proclaim its coverage and topics demystify sex, what exactly does this online coursework cover? Moreover, are the topics actually beneficial?

Developed by Sex Experts

When it comes to sex manuals and advice books, the majority are written by sex-advocates, not sex experts. The Sex Wisdom differs from these as all content has been cultivated, created and overseen by professional sexologists. What difference does this make? Instead of sifting through "folk" remedies and techniques, all information is based upon academic research. While this course covers a wide spectrum of topics, the following is just a sample of what you’ll learn as you work your way through The Sex Wisdom:

Performance Anxiety - Have you ever wondered why in your mind you’re a sex rock star, but when it comes to the actual act you freeze up? Through the professional wisdom given by various sex experts, the mysteries around performance anxiety are revealed.

The Female Body - Thanks to mass media and the prevalence of inaccurate information, most men aren’t fully aware of how the female body operates when it comes to sexual arousal. Throughout this topic, sexologists clearly explain how a woman becomes aroused. Moreover, the ever-elusive female orgasm is clarified and explained in great detail. In the realm of sex, knowledge truly is power.

The Male Body and Sex - While many men feel they have a strong grasp on how their mind and body operate during sex, the unfortunate truth is many men are gravely misguided. Throughout this topic, academic experts reveal the mechanics of the male anatomy and cover topics such as how to increase sexual duration and how to increase the intensity of sexual contact by connecting with your own anatomy.

Understanding the Role of Your Senses in Sex - Perhaps the biggest mistake any man can make is believing sex primarily involves only one portion of his anatomy. According to the latest sexual studies, researchers have found a direct connection between all the senses and sexual satisfaction. Within this coursework, you’ll learn how taste, smell, sound, touch, sigh and talk affect the satisfaction and intensity of sex. Your entire body is a sexual organ, not just your penis.

Demystifying Sexual Health Products - Modern society has made great advancements in sexual health products. While some of these products can make a real difference in not only your sexual life, but also your sexual health, others are nothing more than marketing hype. As you delve deeper into this subject matter, you’ll uncover the various pros and cons of sex health products to ensue satisfaction and health.

Learn from a Woman’s Point of View

Far too many sex books and courses for men focus on the male body and sexuality. While these are vital topics, they’re missing a primary element: the woman’s point of view. The Sex Wisdom was created to rectify this imbalance. Learn not only from academic experts, but directly from the source - women.

This portion of The Sex Wisdom online course features authentic, unedited opinions and thoughts from a multitude of women. Topics covered include:

The Woman’s Body - Stop learning about a woman from a book written by a man. Learn directly from women how their body operates and what elements should be considered throughout sexual activity.

How Touch Affects Sexual Experiences - The male and female body is significantly different. In order to become a world-class lover, you must understand this difference. Learn from women how the sense of touch can maximize or diminish their experience.

What Women Truly Want - No, this isn’t a sequel to the Mel Gibson film. Women spoke with the creators of The Sex Wisdom about what they look for, and what they appreciate, from their sexual partners. While communicating with your partner throughout a sexual encounter is paramount for true connection and satisfaction, understanding what the majority of women are seeking in a sexual encounter gives you the much-needed upper hand in sex.

The Bottom Line

The Sex Wisdom is not your average “sex manual.” With advice and research-backed information packed into this 35 hour online course, men of all backgrounds will learn something new.

While the true value of this coursework is based upon your own goals and current knowledge base, there is one guarantee - men who complete this course will experience a greater depth of understanding when it comes to sexual connection. With unlimited access to courses, delivered on the award-winning Schoology platform, users are set up to expand their working knowledge, which may lead to greater, and more satisfying, sex.

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