
Two Types of Safe Treatment for Varicose Veins

varicose veins freeDevelopment of varicose veins is common among Australian adults, both men and women. If your work involves you sitting or standing for long period of time, have an inactive lifestyle, or you're suffering from obesity, then you are at risk of developing varicose veins. Aging individuals and those with family history of developing it, and pregnant women may also be prone to this condition. You may think that having varicose veins is trivial and does not mean any health complications, think again. A person may develop varicose veins when the portion of his or her skin changes color, develop sore and rashes.

A person with varicose veins may observe blue or purple inflammation of veins in his or her legs, ankles, and other body parts. While this condition is more common among women, it may also affect men. Some people with varicose veins may need not to undergo medical treatment and may resort to compression stockings that are designed to compress the affected veins, controlling the blood flow in order to stop its further development. However, if the condition is severe, the individual may be required to undergo medical operation.

Varicose Veins Treatment: Surgical and Non-Surgical

Treatments for varicose veins can be characterized into two: non-surgical and surgical. The most common type of treatment is the non-surgical one. In non-surgical treatment, the patient undergoes sclerotheraphy. The veins specialist injects saline, a chemical solution, into the affected vein in order to harden it and to stops the veins from being filled with blood. With this treatment, the patient's varicose veins will become less noticeable and may even disappear.

Another popular non-surgical treatment involves the use of laser. Laser treatment is commonly used for treatment of spider veins, but it also effective in treating varicose veins. A specialist from a varicose veins clinic performs this treatment by inserting a tiny fiber via catheter into the affected veins. The fiber transmits laser energy to eliminate ailing areas.

In some cases, non-surgical treatment will not solve the problem. People with severe varicose veins may have to undergo surgical treatment like vein stripping. This procedure is common for treatment of varicose veins in Australia. The treatment is done by tying and/or bundling the patient's affected veins with its main superficial vein and removes it. Another popular surgical treatment is ambulatory phlebectomy. This outpatient treatment is performed by making small incisions into the patient's affected skin. It is important that this procedure is only done by a professional veins specialist as it may result in other complications if not done properly. It is not uncommon for patients who undergo this procedure to develop bruising or swelling.

Seeking Medical Assistance from Veins Specialists

If you have developed varicose veins in your legs, ankles, or other body parts, it is important that you act on it immediately. Aside from it is not aesthetically appealing, it may trigger other more serious health risks. Knowing different types of treatments of varicose veins, you would want to consult with a qualified veins expert who can help you determine which type of procedure is most appropriate for your condition.

Since there are many veins specialists in Australia, you should not have a hard time looking for a reliable and experienced varicose veins clinic. However, you should only entrust your treatment to professionals who have years of experience in performing various types of treatments in order to be sure that you will not be at risk. Choose your clinic and specialist carefully by reading feedbacks and patient reviews over the Internet. It is also strongly advised to seek advice from your friends or colleagues who have undergone varicose veins treatment as they can recommend a clinic. While varicose veins treatment is not as complicated as other medical procedures, you still have to be careful in choosing your clinic and specialist just to be safe.

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