Search Results for "crazy ride"


Useful Tips for Sports Betting

I will say here just a few words about the basic rules that those who play sports betting should follow in order to hope that they will make a profit. Discipline and patience – the winning tandem in sports betting I don’t know how others are, but I foremost seek […]


Upcoming TV Shows in 2020

This year is almost up and 2020 just around the corner. Fans are anxious for their long-awaited TV shows to finally air. Everyone seems perched on the edge of the seat to find out what shows are actually about to light up their TV world. Well, let us not waste […]

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Knight in The Not So Shiny Armor

Raising a child is something many adults in this world will have either the obligation, or privilege of doing. Many have already experience the stage known as the "Terrible Two's" but that phase seems like child play when it comes the "Terrifying Teens" phase. Dealing with hormones, puberty, independence, drinking and drug […]


Tips for an Economical Car

Regardless of who you are, what you do, and where you are living (and assuming you are not one of the fabled 1%), you know for a fact that times are hard. I'm not going to go and compare it to the past decades or reminisce about better times, that'd […]


Great Starter Bikes for Beginners

So you just got your motorcycle license and see all your friends riding crazy bikes like a Suzuki GSX-R 600 or Kawasaki Ninja 650R. Those are great bikes; however, they may be too much power for a novice rider. Ideally, when you first start riding, you should start out on […]