Search Results for "water damage"


Five Fixes to Common Household Problems

You know that feeling. A pipe starts leaking a little bit or your air conditioning seems like it just isn't working quite like it should. Should you try to remedy the issue yourself or call a professional? You don't want to make the problem worse, but you equally don't want […]


Common Causes for Chimney Leaks

A fireplace in your home is a very adorning addition, but the issues accompanying it can be a real pain. One such problem involves a leaky chimney. A chimney leakage can be a very common and annoying problem in the household. This is because, if your chimney shows any signs […]


Contamination Extermination

Whenever performing an equipment audit, it surprises me to still see poor breathers such as J-Tubes installed in equipment. I have encountered these open breathers in all sorts of equipment from units operating in moist conditions such as steel mills, paper mills, even systems operating outside. In today’s reality, it […]


How to Use a Plumbing Snake

Every home and building that has plumbing cannot avoid clogged drains. These are just a normal occurrence in the majority of cases. Of course, offices may not have as many issues with clogged drains as homes, but they do still happen from time to time and you need to know […]


Contamination Extermination

Whenever performing an equipment audit, it surprises me to still see poor breathers such as J-Tubes installed in equipment. I have encountered these open breathers in all sorts of equipment from units operating in moist conditions such as steel mills, paper mills, even systems operating outside. In today’s reality, it […]

Green tech

The Most Common Types of Contamination

Whenever performing an equipment audit, it surprises me to still see poor breathers such as J-Tubes installed in equipment. I have encountered these open breathers in all sorts of equipment from units operating in moist conditions such as steel mills, paper mills, even systems operating outside. In today's reality, it […]


Tips on Landscaping with Trees

Trees are often an important part of a landscape design. Special, unusual trees used in landscaping are often referred to as ornamental trees. They are planted to enhance the appearance of the design. Many flowering trees are considered ornamental trees, as well as trees with interesting bark, leaves, structure and […]


Must-Do Maintenance Tasks for Your Used Car

Maintenance and repair costs can become a big part of owning a used car. However, many of the maintenance and repairs can be prevented by doing routine tasks such as checking fluids and rotating your used vehicle's tires. According to, doing these tasks routinely will save you money on expensive […]