Search Results for "straight"


Asking for Feedback Is Important

Our business is our baby, we want the best for it and want each customer experience to be the best it can be. We are constantly making tweaks to every area of our business to improve the customer experience, but how much so we really know? How can we really […]


Market Maker vs. STP vs. ECN

Before investing, you want to consider which route to take when choosing a broker. There are three types which investors can choose from which include: Market Maker, STP and ECN. How do they differ? Market Maker, as the name suggests, means that the broker makes their own market. What this […]

Web design

Best Web Design Styles – 9 Picks!

Web designing styles play a crucial role in helping the brands send across their message to their customers, readers as well as the users. The most important decision vests with the website owners who are required to encourage the best pick when it comes to choosing a style that matches […]

Hello Molly LBD

Little Black Dress through History

Seldom has there been a clothing item so general, so popular, so stylish, and classic, as the little black dress. Advice you’ll find in practically every girl’s magazine and online portal will tell you that little black dress is a must in any girl’s wardrobe. But where does this ‘rule’ […]