Search Results for "health"


My Opinion about Jasmine Directory

Jasmine Directory is a “paid web directory” (this is widely accepted term even if every webmaster should understand that a suggestion fee is not equivalent with “guarantee of acceptance”, rather someone’s time and effort is paid), submitters need to pay a review fee in order to suggest a website. (there […]


Best Food for Weight Loss During Summer

Want to appear great in your hot pants or swimsuits this summer? You don't have to go for a wacky diet and starve for that. Instead, select healthy foods on a regular basis to absorb fewer calories. During summer days, it is easier for you to make healthy food choices, as […]


Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Ankles

The ankle plays a key role in allowing movement and stabilizing the foot and lower leg. Considering the complexity of the joint and the strain it endures every day, it is no surprise that many people experience ankle problems at some point in their lives. Although some traumatic ankle injuries […]


Make Your Garden a Wildlife Haven

The weather appears to be improving and Spring is in the air making it the perfect time to get outside in the fresh air to get our gardens in shape and ready for the warmer months ahead. If you are keen to welcome wildlife into your garden and create a […]


The Benefits of Sleeping on Silk

Have you ever wondered why you work up with a sleep line or a sleep crease on your face? Even if the creases normally go away later they are actually a perfect indication of the damage that is already done on your face when you don't sleep on the right […]


Simple Laptop Adjustments to Save You from Chronic Pain

Laptops are wonderful pieces of technology: they allow us to work from virtually anywhere, without compromising computing power or quality of work. But unfortunately, this freedom can also lead to the development of chronic pain, especially in the neck, back, shoulders, and wrists. Since many people don't use their laptop […]


Recommended Notebooks for 2014

You’ve heard all the hype about how smartphones and tablets are taking the technology world by storm, how internet-reliant netbooks and portable devices are rendering the traditional computer obsolete, and how the golden age of laptops is behind us. However, the laptop is far from dead. Sure, we’re not as […]