Search Results for "health"

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How to Increase Life Expectancy

Many people think that how long they live doesn’t depend on them. Well, it does, and much more than you would think. Our lifestyle, work, habits, what we eat, how we eat, how we sleep… These are all factors that influence our life expectancy. Some major fatal conditions are caused […]


Useful Tips to Prevent Lips Discoloration

It is a universal desire for all females to have those perfectly colored, luscious and voluptuous lips. Why wouldn’t one want to have that natural pink tinge that makes your lips look all the more attractive. But the main problem that arises is lips’ tendency to get damaged quite often. […]


Tips to Cure Insomnia at Home, the Natural Way

No one wants to live a life without sleep. If you have ever suffered with insomnia then you’ll know that lying awake at night is extremely frustrating. Sometimes it can seem like such a vicious circle-you can’t sleep so you get annoyed and then you can’t sleep because you are […]


Vehicle Cleaning Myths Busted

Spring has arrived! It is time for people to start venturing out of the house and spend more time outdoors. As the days get warmer, more people will start washing their cars in their driveway, enjoying the great weather while making their vehicle look shiny and new. However, you would […]


Getting Ready for a New Job

Getting a new job can be quite an exciting adventure, but it can also be very stressful. The fact that you are changing environments and going into the unknown can really throw you off game. It doesn't matter if you are scared whether people are going to like you or […]


Fun Activities for the Whole Family

Spending time with your family is really important, even more if you are a mother or a father of small children. Why is that? Because small children need a lot of time dedicated to them because happy and playful kids grow up into responsible and fun adults. There are many […]

Exercise For Arthritis

Exercises to Prevent Disability Due to Arthritis

For those of us who suffer from some form of arthritis, the idea of exercising seems like a bad one. After all, our joints hurt, right? Why make them hurt even more with exercise? This seems logical, but…it's wrong. Counterintuitive as it seems, exercise is actually our friend. Moderate exercise […]


Foods that Can Spike Your Blood Pressure

With high blood pressure "on the rise" in American society more and more of us are following the health conscious trend to protect our bodies. But what many people don't know is that there are specific foods that can spike your blood pressure alone. With a third of our nation […]


The Pharmaceutical Industry According to Jared Wheat

One man who has caused a transformation in the pharmaceutical industry is the President and CEO of Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Jared Robert Wheat. He is responsible for millions of online diet supplements including weight loss and sexual performance medication. On this interview, he gives his experience in the pharmaceutical industry […]