Search Results for "country"

Travel and living

What to Visit in Northampton, UK

The town of Northampton has many attractions, including historical buildings, attractive gardens and modern shopping facilities. It also boasts one of the largest market squares in England, as well as several museums and galleries. 78 Derngate This Art Deco house is the only Charles Rennie Mackintosh house outside Scotland. It […]


US Cities With High Limo Usage

More than 10 percent of all people living in the United States used a limousine in the last year. While many people assume that the best cities to find private car hires are larger cities on the East and West Coasts, these cars are available in nearly every state. The […]

Spare a Job
Economy Employment

Can You Spare a Job?

Nobody is going to argue the fact that jobs are hard to come by these days. As of October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics put the country's unemployment rate at 7.3%. That's a lot of people out of work. What makes that number even scarier is knowing that it is […]


How to Be Good Guests (With Kids!)

As many traveling parents know, one of the easiest ways to save money on travel is to cut the costs of room and board. With hotel rooms running at $150 or more per night, and family meals for three or four people equaling nearly that much, many single parents seek […]


Strategize Your Content Marketing

If you live in Great Britain, you get used to the constant criticism about British food. Great Britain is not noted for its haute cuisine. The French come and sneer, the Germans come and scoff and the Italians come and smugly open their own restaurants. Therefore, it is a little […]


The Modern Day Use of Bollards

Throughout the years, bollards have been used to protect property from unauthorised access that could potentially cause damage. The use of bollards goes as far back as the 18th century, where bollards in the shape of wooden posts were used to regulate traffic. Many paintings of historic buildings include images […]


The Major Benefits of Getting an MBA

For the past few decades, the need for education to succeed in the business world has continued to increase. In years past, people could get by without having anything more than an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, but more and more businesses are beginning to require that their top executives have a […]