Search Results for "insurance"


Dos And Don'ts of Driving Under Influence

If you get pulled over and you know that you've been drinking and that you will not pass as a sober person at the moment, it can be really hard to avoid getting charged with DUI. People do all sorts of things to avoid paying the fine, but, in truth, […]


Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers and Medicare

DME bonds are required of anyone who deals with Medicare, but how do you know if you are meeting the right conditions? If you manufacture or sell durable medical equipment and bill medicare for that equipment, you may be required to carry a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Bond as part […]


Credit Card Shopping Sprees

What types of items do you use your credit card for? Do you keep your credit card handy and use it for day-to-day purchases such as lunch, gas, and maybe a trip to the grocery store? Do you use it for bigger purchases such as an entertainment system or a […]

Travel and living

Best German Cities To Live In

Germany may not have the beaches of Spain or Australia but one thing it does have in abundance for people who go to live there is great cities. Germany's a populous country by European standards - in fact it has the largest population of any nation that's situated solely in […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]