Search Results for "party"


UK Government Needs a New Approach to Lending

Anyone running their own business will have noticed the recent changes in borrowing in both terms of access to funding and the cost of finance. Access to funding is greatly restricted because of a worldwide recession and this has pushed up the cost of lending to those who can still […]

Communication IT

A Unified Communications Strategy for Local Businesses

The term ‘local business’ is a broad one, encompassing tiny start-ups with a handful employees and much larger companies which are well ingrained in a particular community. However, the need for comprehensive and affordable channels of communication is universal in the modern marketplace. Companies which adapt to changing circumstances and […]


What Makes a Great Boss

Bad bosses are like the news…we hear more about them than the good ones. I think it's time to reflect on the good ones we've had (or perhaps still have). Now, perhaps I should be a little more specific as to what I mean by "good boss". I don't mean "good" in […]


Tips on How to Stay Fit

In today's wired world, all you have to do when you need something is to make a call and order it in, or log on to the provider's website, where you can place your order and pay for it with plastic. Just about anything: food, clothing, sports goods, cosmetics, drugs, […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]