Search Results for "Private"


Need to Write a Winning Business Pitch?

The business pitch presents the ultimate communications paradox. On one side the presenter wants to tell the potential client everything they know about their subject. They want to woo them with their technical prowess and ensure that the potential client is in absolutely no doubt about their experience and expertise. On […]


How to Save Money When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer comes in handy when you’re involved in an accident. In essence, such lawyers usually prefer to deal with patients who’re alive, regardless of the seriousness of their condition, than with dead ones. This is owing to the fact that you’re basically worth more alive than dead. […]


Religion In Education: What Is Right?

When it comes to topics within education that provoke debate, faith schools are always bubbling away, with the occasional newsworthy event causing ripples at the surface (take the Deputy PM securing a place for his eldest son at a top-ranking Catholic comprehensive, for example). Here in the UK, faith schools […]

Internet Marketing

Facebook Tricks for Marketing Success

If you want online success, Internet marketing must include social media all times. You don't just need to buy advertising on the social media sites. Pages and profiles need to be developed for your business. Publishing on these pages regularly is how you interact with your visitors - updated unique […]

Real estate

Benefits of Luxury Communities

Luxury. The word itself embodies the notion of the good life. Indeed, once a person reaches a financial level where they can afford the finer things in this world, new concerns come into play. This goes beyond which sports cars to buy or which country club to attend and comes down […]


Mistakes To Avoid When Boat Shopping

People love boating, and it's said that one of the happiest days of a boat owner's life is when the purchase is made. However, the other happiest day is often when the boat is sold. This is because so many first-time boat buyers are so excited about hitting the open […]

Other stories

The Coolest Animals on Earth

All of us feel a certain affinity for our favourite members of the animal kingdom, but once you’ve familiarised yourself with some of these more obscure critters you may have to rethink where your affections lie. Here’s a look ten of the coolest creatures you’ve never heard of (until now). […]

Business Management

What Is an Effective Enterprise

Generally speaking, a company or an enterprise is effective when it reaches the goals and objectives. According to the enterprise’s purpose, the goals and objectives must be realistic and practical. The enterprise has to innovate and renew itself while the management functions are executed efficiently. To meet its goals, the […]