Search Results for "instances"

Travel and living

Living Well with a Disability

A disability may seem like a life sentence. Life as you know it may have come to an abrupt end. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t lead a ‘normal’ life. You’re just going to live a different life. Accepting that you have a disability can be very difficult. It can […]

Data security

Are We Being Forced To Fake It?

Things can be so frustrating online, particularly with websites more interested in getting your personal information than providing you with information. Many websites are so consumed with getting traffic that they don’t understand that they are encouraging the very opposite of the thing they are after. When almost every website […]


A Guide to Choosing Low-Cost Web Hosting

No-one wants to pay more than they need for web hosting, so why do some companies pay $300 per month to keep their website live? Are free and ultra-cheap web hosting enough for your company’s needs? What You Want You want an all-singing, all-dancing website with videos and customer interactivity. […]