Search Results for "costly pair"


Government Infrastructure Report Card Gets a Big F minus

While it would be easy to debate the proper use of government allocated funds for various programs throughout the country, you would be hard pressed to find someone that would disagree that many aspects of our infrastructure require more attention than they currently receive. Whether we’re discussing pot-holed filled roads, […]


Secured vs. Unsecured Lending: The Key Considerations

The concept of consumer borrowing has been a hot topic since the Great Recession, particularly as irresponsible lending was considered to be one of the prime triggers of the sub-prime mortgage collapse in the US. We have seen the levels of consumer confidence and borrowing rise gradually as the global […]

Small business

Challenges faced by Fleet Managers.

In these modern days, transport and fleet managers are faced with so many challenges which result from saddening economy, increase in fuel costs, budget demands, etc. Below are some of the major challenges faced by the fleet managers. 1. Finding ways of reducing costs. Cost reduction is not a new challenge, but […]


5 Reasons You Need Pressure Washing Services

When was the last time you scheduled pressure washing for your home or business facility? If it’s been more than a year or two, and especially if you can’t even remember your last visit from a power washing pro, it’s probably time to call a pressure washing company! Before you […]

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Laptop Insurance Plans-What to Know

Buying the best laptop insurance plan - What steps do you need to take? Laptops have indeed become a part of our daily life, irrespective of whether we use it for personal use or for commercial purposes. Laptops are pretty expensive and perhaps the best way to secure your buy […]