Search Results for "WEDDING"


World’s Longest Weddings

Wedding traditions around the world vary greatly - from short, functional registrations to lavish extended affairs. If you're invited to one of the following wedding ceremonies, sleep well the night before - or else you might find yourself nodding off during the ceremony as the hours go by on the […]

wedding timeline

Creating your Wedding Timeline

The stage is set, all your decorations and center pieces have been picked out and designed. More importantly, you have found that perfect dress. Now it is time to work out what will happen at your Wedding Reception, in other words create the timeline for a magical night. To help […]


Tips for Buying Wedding Shoes

It’s that time of the year again when thoughts turn to wedding bells and honeymoons in the sun. This of course, means there’s a ton of planning ahead which includes finding the perfect dress, a superb venue and so much more. Once the major things are sorted, then it’s time […]


Jewish Wedding Traditions

Weddings are not just about the bride and groom and them becoming one, although a big part of it is, of course. Weddings are also a reflection of the couples' roots and tradition, as well as their culture and this can also be said of Jewish weddings. Once a couple […]