Search Results for "motor vehicle"


How to Prevent Car Accidents from Happening

You never expect to be involved in a car accident. However, the likelihood of being in at least one collision in your lifetime is fairly high. Motor vehicle accidents occur every 60 seconds in locations all over the world, according to the National Highway Traffic Administration. Despite what many would […]


Understanding Personal Injury

There is an old saying that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But when it comes to the difference between a car crash and a car accident, that principle may not apply. Some safety advocates want to replace “car accident” with “car crash,” since trains wreck, […]


Understanding Personal Injury

In a perfect world, drivers would always drive defensively, owners would always keep their properties in tip-top shape, and manufacturers would always put people before profits. Alas, we do not live in a perfect world, and we all make mistakes. When they happen, we must all face the consequences of […]