Search Results for "imbalance"


How to Have a Better Sex Life?

What man doesn’t want to not only be better at sex, but learn how to connect physically and emotionally with their partner? While it seems some men are born with a natural ability to satisfy their sexual partner, most find themselves fumbling through foreplay and questioning their abilities. This is […]

Elder care

Treating Incontinence in the Elderly

Incontinence is one of the most embarrassing health problems you could have. Even if you’re elderly, the idea of not being able to control your bladder can be mortifying. If you’re suffering from this ailment, don’t feel like there’s nothing you can to help yourself. Despite the fact that incontinence […]


Useful Tips to Prevent Lips Discoloration

It is a universal desire for all females to have those perfectly colored, luscious and voluptuous lips. Why wouldn’t one want to have that natural pink tinge that makes your lips look all the more attractive. But the main problem that arises is lips’ tendency to get damaged quite often. […]


Engineering Challenges for The Future

The achievements and advancements that were made over the last century by talented engineers have changed the shape of our world today and vastly improved the quality of our lives. Looking to the future, as the world population continues to grow and our needs expand there are several areas for […]


Financial Hints to Effectively Manage Cash Flow

Managing your business right is imperative to your success. Current studies show more than 30 billion pounds is outstanding for SME debt. This means that customers are not paying their bills on time and SME businesses are suffering. There is often a reason a small business is given a five […]


How Nature Helps for Avoiding Infertility in Women

Infertility is currently becoming a bigger problem especially in our society. Since people are going through more stress and living an unhealthy lifestyle all throughout the world, the rates of infertility are rising. There are several women all over the world that suffer from infertility and it is one very […]

Green tech

Why Should We Use Alternative Fuel Sources?

Using alternative fuel sources simply means feeding your engines with some other source of energy other than gasoline or diesel. But the question that can boggle some people’s minds is that why is everyone running around to adopt more environment friendly ways in order to meet their fuel requirements? What’s […]


The Benefits of Drinking Ionized Water

The human body is subject to constant evolution, as it adapts to both positive and negative aspects of its surrounding environment. Take the impact of the obesity academic in the Western world, for example, which is causing teenagers in the U.S. and UK to develop health conditions that were previously […]


How to Check Your Tires for Wear

Tire maintenance is rarely at the front of most people’s minds. You expect your car to always be available and ready to take you wherever you’re going. However, taking proper care of your tires is as important as regular oil changes and general maintenance to your vehicle for safety and […]


How to Deal With Specific Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a normal part of every woman's life. It is basically the end of the reproductive years of a woman. It is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. During this time, the ovaries stop to function so the woman will no longer be able […]