Search Results for "surround"


The Benefits of Drinking Ionized Water

The human body is subject to constant evolution, as it adapts to both positive and negative aspects of its surrounding environment. Take the impact of the obesity academic in the Western world, for example, which is causing teenagers in the U.S. and UK to develop health conditions that were previously […]

Real estate

Buying Your First Home

Purchasing your first home is one of the most important steps you’ll ever take. It involves a lot of legwork, and often a fair amount of stress along the way. By knowing how best to go about buying your first home, you can be sure to make the process as […]


Types of Theft that Typically Occur in Malls

A charge of theft (also known as larceny) can occur in the context of different circumstances, and retail theft is simply one category of theft. With the numerous malls in the Greensboro, N.C. area, for example–Four Seasons Town Center, Friendly Center, and the outlet malls– come increased opportunities for retail […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Staying Tech-savvy on a Budget

An investment in technology is necessary for almost any business. Fortunately, the right investments will help save you money and run more efficiently. There is free software that can let you do almost anything you need to do, and refurbished equipment can let you use the latest hardware at a […]

South America holidays in the altiplano
Travel and living

Exploring the Altiplano of South America

South America has its fair share of natural wonders, from the breath-taking Iguazu Falls to the dense jungle of the Amazon rainforest, but for sheer jaw-dropping beauty, it's really hard to beat the splendour of the Andean altiplano. This arid, high altitude zone covers large stretches of Peru, Bolivia and […]

Green tech

Assessing the RHI and its Impact on Home-owners

In recent times, the concept of corporate responsibility has earned genuine credibility in developed economies around the world. Adopted by private and public organisations as a way of responding to increasing consumer awareness, it has also triggered the development of numerous sustainable measures across multiple industries. The existing British government […]