Search Results for "test drive"


How to Check Your Tires for Wear

Tire maintenance is rarely at the front of most people’s minds. You expect your car to always be available and ready to take you wherever you’re going. However, taking proper care of your tires is as important as regular oil changes and general maintenance to your vehicle for safety and […]

Web design

Best WordPress Themes for Your Bootstrapped Start-Up

Start-ups have become synonymous with beautiful homepages and product showcases. Think about websites like MailChimp, Evernote and Shopify, they epitomize the optimal balance between form and function, providing potential users with enough visual goodness to want to sign up, but not enough information for them to make up their mind […]

Real estate

Getting to Know an Area Before You Move In

It can be an exciting, but also intimidating, experience to move to a new place. There are many uncertainties attached to moving, especially if it's to a place you have limited knowledge of or have never been to before. Are you relocating for work and are pressed for time to find a […]


Tips & Tricks on Car Air Conditioning

Long summer days are upon us and wherever we drive it is impossible to avoid use of air conditioning. Unless you drive significantly older car models, your car is likely to have a properly functioning A/C unit. Just as your vehicle - air conditioning has set of rules to apply. […]


The Shorter ‘Lifecycle' of New Cars

New research from a car valuation expert has revealed that the average ‘shelf life' of a car has significantly reduced over the last two decades. New models are now going out of date much faster than previously, car dealers reporting that “motorists currently benefit from the most modern choices and […]


New Toys for the Big Boys

No matter how old they are or how many promotions they have under their belt, a lot of men never outgrow their toys. If women have their bags, shoes and jewelry, men have their watches, gadgets and cars. And just like women collect the latest in a fashion line, so […]


Videos as a Digital Marketing Tool

Online videos are not merely a form of entertainment anymore. Together with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, videos have become a very important marketing tool. The most well known video platform, YouTube, is also the second largest search engine globally, right after Google. With over one billion […]

Marketing SEO

The Leading SEO Indicators in 2013

In almost every form of progressive industry, indicators are used to analyze data and forecast future performance. From the results that are generated, it is possible to adapt or tailor an existing strategy to achieve more effective results, and this method of working is prevalent across a host of financial, […]