Search Results for "start-up"


Ways to Build a Strong Brand Online

New technologies are making it relatively easy to start a business. In fact, anyone can build a startup from scratch, and we can only thank the Internet for that. One thing’s for sure, young entrepreneurs who are out to offer innovative solutions will find no challenge in establishing a business […]


3 Ways to Save Money as a Restaurant Owner

You have to put in some to get some in return—a phrase that restaurant owners know all too well. While the startup costs of building a restaurant are high, the reward of seeing a lifelong dream grow into something real is beyond worth it. But too often maintenance costs become […]


Is the Wood Burning Appliance Energy Efficient?

Before 1990, the wood burning appliances’ manufacturers used to produce less efficient heaters that pollute the outdoor air, waste a lot of fuel and generate dust. Nowadays, many energy saving options are EPA certified that is responsible for saving fuel and money and protecting family health. The higher efficiency depends […]