Search Results for "medications"


ED Records-Complexities to Understand

Medical data is stored in the form of various records like History and Physical, Consultation or Emergency Department Report. Let’s understand what an emergency department report looks like and what makes it complicated. Emergency Department Report is generated when a patient visits ER for acute situations like a minor injury, […]


Tackling Treatment Resistant Depression Head On

Depression is an increasingly common mental health disorder being diagnosed in people all over the world, from all walks of life. Traditional treatment options for depression range from SSRIs or SNRIs, to therapy (counseling, psychotherapy, ERT), to more extreme treatment options such as invasive surgical procedures. Of course, the severity […]


Career Opportunities after completing psychology course

Psychology is one of the most exciting courses in the field of study. Studying psychology helps us understand ourselves and the people around us in a comprehensive manner. Psychology also helps us understand human behaviour, thoughts, mind, problems and concerns. On the professional front, psychology improves our cognitive performances and […]

Elder care

Digestive Problems in Older People

Your body experiences many changes through the years, but unfortunately one of the most common ailments experienced by older people is digestive problems. Shockingly, nearly 40% of older adults have one or more age-related digestive symptoms every year. These can be extremely painful or can lower day-to-day quality of life. […]


Optimizing Telehealth Consumer Adoption Post COVID-19

As the Pandemic of 2020 has raged, globally, climbing infection rates have precipitated the need to shelter in place, social distance, and wear masks for mitigation purposes. This is more than a passing trend. Studies reveal that 94% of consumers who have experienced telehealth through virtual visits, have been profoundly […]


Should You Buy Burial Insurance?

The primary purpose of burial insurance, also known as funeral insurance, is to pay for your final journey. This insurance will cover the expenses of the funeral services after you die. If you do not want to burden your children and family to pay for your funeral expenses, this is […]


5 Must-Have Gadgets for Seniors Aging in Place

Growing old in your own home versus a care facility yields various benefits. However, despite seniors’ ability to maintain optimal independence, aging-in-place features its fair share of risks and drawbacks. Aging in place can result in unbearable levels of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, these living situations make it increasingly difficult […]