Search Results for "graphic"

student property investment

Student Property Investment [Infographic]

University applications have sky rocketed over the course of the last 2 years and the appeal of higher education within the UK (despite a rise in fees) has never been as strong. Applications are the highest recorded, so it’s no surprise that the number of student lets has risen too. […]


Americans Suffer after Hurricanes [Infographic]

Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, many Americans have been hurt by hurricanes over the last couple of decades. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy cost hundreds of billions of dollars due to destruction of homes, businesses, and property, and the trend will continue, because these storms are facts of Mother […]

Other stories

Diamonds: an Introduction [Infographic]

Diamond signifies commitment, love and beauty. It holds a special place in every woman’s heart. Due to the amazing beauty and rareness of diamond, it has been used in jewellery trade from a long time. The story of diamond is truly fantastic. although it was discovered in 19th century in […]


Remarking a Brand for the 21st Century [Infographic]

Technology has changed everything when it comes to marketing. It is more important than ever to know your customers and their profiles, the shopping habits, preferences, etc. so you can personalize their brand experience. How can you create a positive interaction and reach new customers? See the infographic below.

keeping cars cool

Keeping Cars Cool [Infographic]

Do you own a car? Many do, but don’t look after them properly, especially over the summer months. Many car owners are of a younger age, so might not look after their vehicle as well as they could. With summer in full bloom, you’ve got to remember to keep your […]

bbq infographic

The Ultimate BBQ Guide [Infographic]

Summer is here! Which means it’s time to break out the good old barbecue. But not everyone has a barbecue and not everyone knows how to really use one. It is kind of scary, especially when you’ve never used one before. It involves fire, so it’s best to know exactly […]


The most Common Types of Sleep Disorders [Infographic]

Proper good-night sleep is mandatory for a person's physical and mental well being. Sleep deficiency arising from sleep disorders, can cause negative impact leading stress, depression and varied sickness issues. The post below highlights on the varied kinds of sleep disorders. Snoring Snoring is one of the most common sleep […]

Other stories

Types of Women Shoes [Infographic]

Choices of shoes vary from one woman to another. While some of them love to wear heels and wedges always, some find themselves more comfortable in flat pumps or sandals and flip-flops. With this amazing infographic, created by Cocorose London, we are sharing information about the types of shoes. Go […]