
The most Common Types of Sleep Disorders [Infographic]

Proper good-night sleep is mandatory for a person's physical and mental well being. Sleep deficiency arising from sleep disorders, can cause negative impact leading stress, depression and varied sickness issues. The post below highlights on the varied kinds of sleep disorders.


Snoring is one of the most common sleep disorders and is related to breathing issues. In simple words, a person snores when air passing through the throat causes vibration in tissues located at the back of throat. In times of normal sleep, muscles which controls tongue & soft palate, keep your airway open. As these muscles tend to relax, your airway narrows, leading to snoring & breathing problems.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can be defined as the condition where breathing stops temporarily during sleep, given blockage of upper airways. The breathing pauses cause severe disturbance in sleep and people suffering from sleep apnea- tend to stay awake for long throughout the night. This results in exhaustion, depression and irritation throughout the day. It is a kind of life-threatening condition and people suffering from sleep apnea should not delay to visit the doctor. The varied symptoms of sleep apnea include- chronic, loud snoring ; frequent breathing pauses during sleep; snorting, gasping, choking during sleep; feeling of exhaustion or sleepy anytime during day & sudden awakening in the middle of night with chest pains, nasal congestion, breathing issues or dry throat.


It is another bad sleep disorder which involves uncontrollable, excessive daytime sleepiness. The problem stems from dysfunction of brain mechanism which controls waking and sleeping. A person suffering from narcolepsy might have occasional sleep attacks in the midst of working, talking or driving.

The different symptoms & signs of narcolepsy are-

  • Hearing or seeing things while one is drowsy or having dreams before getting fully asleep.
  • Sudden loss of muscle control while experiencing strong emotions such as anger or laugh.
  • Sudden feeling of weakness.
  • Intense dreams or dreaming just after getting to sleep.
  • Feeling paralyzed or immobility while dozing off or waking up.


Insomnia is one of the most notorious & irritating sleep disorders. It can be defined as the condition where a person is unable to get adequate sleep required to get up in the morning, feeling refreshed and rested. Most of the times, insomnia signals another problem like anxiety, depression, stress or some hidden health issue. It could also result from certain lifestyle choices- jet lag, certain medication, a no-exercise routine & high dose caffeine consumption.

The different symptoms & signs of insomnia are:

  • Troubles in falling asleep during night.
  • Problems in sleeping after waking in night.
  • Sleep feels exhausting, fragmented and light.
  • When one cannot sleep naturally and forced to seek help from pills, supplements or nightcap.
  • Low energy & feeling of sleepiness all through the day.

All these are treatable conditions- thus if someone is suffering from any of these sleep disorders, he must take care to get a clinical appointment as soon as possible.


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