Search Results for "charges affect"


The Right Furnace Filter Promotes Better Health

Furnace filters are needed to improve air quality by removing allergens and odors. Various sized particles that could clog the furnace and air purifier are also caught. A fiberglass, pleated and electrostatic furnace filter is available in various sizes and widths to accommodate all furnaces. Factors That Cause Indoor Air […]


What is Obstruction of Justice and Types of Obstructions

The media of the US is buzzing with the latest news that the New York Governor Cuomo’s staff has interfered with the investigation system. It has interrupted the investigation into the corruption in the firms that are connected to the Governor’s office, thus resulting in obstruction of justice. The Governor […]


Types of Theft that Typically Occur in Malls

A charge of theft (also known as larceny) can occur in the context of different circumstances, and retail theft is simply one category of theft. With the numerous malls in the Greensboro, N.C. area, for example–Four Seasons Town Center, Friendly Center, and the outlet malls– come increased opportunities for retail […]


Tips to Simplify the Recurring Billing Process

One of the major benefits of choosing a subscription based payment option over a one-time fee is the ability to generate continuous income essentially on auto-pilot. Instead of being forced to constantly upsell new products to keep past customers coming back, subscription plans gets customers to stick with your company […]


Dos And Don'ts of Driving Under Influence

If you get pulled over and you know that you've been drinking and that you will not pass as a sober person at the moment, it can be really hard to avoid getting charged with DUI. People do all sorts of things to avoid paying the fine, but, in truth, […]

Employment Law

Can You Be Fired For DUI?

DUI (driving under the influence) are widely regarded as serious felonies in most states and as such carry penalties that range from jail term and monetary fines to suspension of driver’s license and mandatory DUI classes. Over the years, DUI laws have become harsher given the number of fatalities and […]