
The Right Furnace Filter Promotes Better Health

filterFurnace filters are needed to improve air quality by removing allergens and odors. Various sized particles that could clog the furnace and air purifier are also caught. A fiberglass, pleated and electrostatic furnace filter is available in various sizes and widths to accommodate all furnaces.

Factors That Cause Indoor Air Pollution

Furniture, carpet, walls, clothing, pets, pollen, dirt and cigarettes and other smoking alternatives cause air-polluting particles and odors that affect one’s health. These particles are in the form of dust, mold, smoke, mites, lint, bacteria and pet fur and dander. Effective furnace filters permit the furnace and air purifier to operate more efficiently.

Electrostatic Filters

Pleated or mesh electrostatic filters are more expensive than regular pleated or the merv 13 furnace filter. This type removes microscopic allergens and odors from the air. Made from cotton fibers with negative and positive charges, these filters capture particles one micron or less in size and attract negative and positive charged debris. Disposable styles should be replaced every three months or some do not need changed for a full year. Permanent filters should be washed regularly and returned to its place in the furnace to continue cleaning the air.

Pleated Filters

Pleated filters are the cheaper choice and should be changed every three months or monthly. Made from cotton or polyester paper, this option removes smaller particles from the air but not as small as one micron. The pleats create more surface area to catch debris increasing the efficiency of the furnace and purifier.

Fiberglass Filters

The cheapest filter available is the woven fiberglass filter. The larger pores of this filter catch larger dirt, lint and debris to protect the furnace, purifier and any moving parts. This option does little to clean the air of pollutants and odors.

MERV ratings

The effectiveness of filters are rated according to the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value or MERV. Ratings range between one and sixteen, and lower ratings mean less particles are caught by the filter. Higher numbers signify that more particles are captured, and this is accomplished by the smaller pores in these filers. Homes generally use filters with ratings between one and twelve; higher ratings are for commercial businesses.

Your Filter Connection is an example of one company that supplies furnace filters in various sizes and brands. Choosing the right filter protects the furnace and air purifier and allows more efficient operation. The amount of dusting and cleaning needed is greatly reduced, and fresher and cleaner air promotes better health for occupants.

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