Search Results for "Therapeutic"


Prescribing Drugs To Fight Addictions

Every year, it seems, drug companies come up with new drugs to help addicts fight their addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics. But do these drugs work? Are they dangerous? In one of the more ironic wrinkles in medical history, are they addicting? The quick answer to these questions is […]

Hyperbaric chamber

Can Hyberbaric Therapy Cure Stage-4 Cancer?

Think of a room with an air-tight, glass made, transparent chamber and you’re lying down inside with closed eyes, calm and reposed. It’s certainly not any Hollywood movie trailer. Can’t guess? It’s the picture of a hospital room where Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is going on. It’s been more than […]


How Black Seeds Are Beneficial For Your Health

Black seeds are scientifically called Nigella sativa. These seeds are a common ingredient which is used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisines. Black seeds are also called fennel flower seeds, onion seeds, Roman coriander, kalonji, and black caraway. These seeds have a bitter, peppery, and pungent flavor along with an […]

veterinarian with a kitten
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Bioresonance Therapy For Pets – 101

As a pet owner, you love your pets the most and will always be prepared to go the extra mile to see that they get the best care you can afford. With growing concerns over the far-reaching harm inflicted by the conventional allopathic medicines on the pets, alternative systems of […]


Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy

You might have heard about how surgeons use high power lasers in performing surgeries that leave behind the minimum or almost no scars. Low level laser therapy, on the other hand, can induce the body to create new cells and repair itself. Low Level Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation Therapy is […]