Search Results for "Temporary worker"


Top Craziest Construction Accidents in History

OSHA has encountered some significant worker safety violations over the lifetime of their organization. Many of these violations were preventive and actually saved workers from serious injury or death. All of OSHA mandated safety procedures are important to the longevity and prosperity of hard-working manufacturing, construction, and test research workers […]


Saudi Arabia to Generate 1.7M Jobs by 2020

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia saw an eventful job market in 2013 with the tourism sector creating nearly 7.51 Lac new jobs, of which only about 27 per cent were focused on the Saudi population, leaving ample job opportunities for expats in Saudi Arabia. The Gulf Business recently reported the Saudi […]

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Oklahoma City Braces for Next Building Flood

Eventually, pipes break, and it can happen for a number of reasons. Shifting ground due to earthquakes can play havoc with in-ground pipes, and flooding can overwhelm many types of pipes besides sewers pipes. If that isn’t enough to worry about, fire-safety sprinkler systems occasionally malfunction, sending showers of water […]


Emerging Trends for BYOD in 2014

Throughout 2013, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies gained a certain amount of prominence. This was either because companies saw the opportunity to increase cost-saving measures or because employees were finding a way to use consumer technology whether the company allowed it or not. In fact, some estimates say that […]

Neighborhood Too Noisy

Is Your Neighborhood Too Noisy? Add Music!

Not all of our neighborhoods can be as quiet and peaceful as we’d like. Even the least-busy streets are often populated with car horns honking, garbage trucks grinding and crashing, and people chatting loudly. Some streets, particularly those in urban areas, maintain a consistent ambient soundtrack of traffic and motion […]


Why Printing is Still Relevant

The relevance of printing is still significant despite technological advances in digital document technology. The concept of a paperless office is a myth and looks to remain so for a very long time. The reason behind this statement stems from the numerous advantages of paper over digital technology. The following […]


Preventing Industrial Accidents

The theory in the workplace about accidents is evolving. The prevailing notion is that all workplace accidents are avoidable. This modern approach puts an increased onus on several areas. Training, preventive maintenance, ergonomics, and attitudes on safety all need to improve to reach this goal. Inadequacy of Training Underneath the […]


How to Find a Job if You Are Over 50?

Getting a job in these difficult financial times is hard enough, but it can be even harder if you are over the age of 50. Older workers are far more likely to find themselves unemployed in the long-term so what can you do to improve your chances of finding employment? […]


How to Source New Talent for Your Retail Business?

In the retail industry, finding and sourcing the right retail staff is a constant challenge. The cyclical nature of the industry, combined with a challenging economic climate, means that most retailers are seeking as much flexibility from their workforce as possible and often using temporary, seasonal, part-time or contract workers.When […]

Communication IT

A Unified Communications Strategy for Local Businesses

The term ‘local business’ is a broad one, encompassing tiny start-ups with a handful employees and much larger companies which are well ingrained in a particular community. However, the need for comprehensive and affordable channels of communication is universal in the modern marketplace. Companies which adapt to changing circumstances and […]