Search Results for "specialist"

Communication IT

Where Is Video Conferencing Being Used?

What is Videoconferencing? "Videoconferencing is the conduct of a video-conference by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. It has also been called ‘visual collaboration’ and is a type of groupware" this is what Wikipedia says. So we […]


Unhealthy Habits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most prominent and delicate phases of a woman's life which brings a lot of responsibilities towards a pregnant lady and her unborn. Whether it is about regular diet or body maintenance, she need to be careful in all aspects and it starts from the day […]


Back To School Carpooling

With the start of the school year, parents have one more commitment they have to do for the next 8-9 months. It’s taking their kids to school every day, which means long rides in the carpool lane, most likely in an SUV or a minivan, which can be quite a […]


Making A Personal Injury Claim [Infographic]

Accidents are a part of life and anyone can be a victim of accident. The term personal injury is used when the injury or illness is occurred due to someone's carelessness. A person who has been injured in the accident has right to make a claim if the damages, losses […]


Loss Assessors and Loss Adjusters

Economic growth is the most significantly watched economic indicator. Rising of economy will push the business towards more profits accompanied with rise in the stock prices. Which eventually gives companies the capital to invest and as a result employment is generated. The decrease in unemployment rate makes way for a […]


How Can Schools Become More Eco-friendly?

How Students and teachers help to address a sustainable future? In 1962, a book by author, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, was credited with enabling the beginning of the environmental movement. "We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally […]


How to Deal with an Unfair Dismissal

Losing a job is a harrowing experience for anyone, and if you feel this was unfair, then it will probably sting even more. Unfair dismissal is a complex situation to deal with, but if you really have been dismissed unfairly then it is your right to seek compensation for the […]


Some Benefits of Mobile Research

Mobile research has reached its culmination due to the introduction of touch screen technology, which has revolutionized the way people use and perceive their mobile devices. Market researchers are now capable of monitoring mobile browsing trends and behaviors, allowing analysts to conduct questionnaires and surveys using these same devices. The increased benefits […]


Injuries at Work Factfile

Injuries at work happen with great regularity. From bumping into colleagues, to bashing your foot against an errant door. These things happen. But there are a number of injuries that you might be entitled to claim compensation for. This shouldn’t be seen as ‘getting one over’ on employers, or ‘cheating […]