Search Results for "Commonly"

Travel and living

Food & Nightlife In Disney World

The Walt Disney World Resort, commonly known as Disney World has always been a fascinating place to visit for kids. As the world's most popular entertainment resort, this place located near Kissimmee, Florida is home to several theme parks, water parks and themed resorts. It is no wonder then that […]

Real estate

A Best Practice Guide For Student Landlords

Communication is key for student landlords. It's one of the most important factors in keeping your tenants happy and your mind at ease. Having a code of best practice in place from the start of your tenancy will help prevent disputes from arising. Making sure that all interactions with tenants […]


Prevention And Control Of Common Tree Diseases

Trees being living beings, are susceptible to diseases. A tree needs a fine supply of nutrients, water, light and carbon dioxide from the environment for optimal growth. A deficiency of one or more of these can cause reduced growth of the tree. Here are some commonly occurring diseases of the […]


Gold [Infographic]

Gold, one of mankind’s oldest adornments, has a rich history. Introduced to a young earth in a vast meteor shower some 2 billion years ago, most of the world’s gold remains buried in the planet’s core. Throughout history, humans have mined only approximately 165,000 metric tons of gold; it is […]


How To Wrap Your Parcel

When travelling through a parcel delivery network, your parcel will be handled several times as it is loaded on and off vehicles, conveyor belts and aircrafts-it's during these shipping processes that that your parcel will experience small impacts, compressions, bumps, jolts or vibrations in transit. As the shipper, it's up […]

Finance Taxes

The Dummies Guide To Property Taxes

State, county and municipal governments need revenue to provide services for their residents. To pay for schools, roads, maintenance, police and fire protection, among other things, revenue must be raised in the form of taxes. Though some may use income and sales tax as a form of revenue collection, property […]


Tips to Avoid Auto Dealer Scams

Buying or trading off your car is not an easy task as it involves a lot of paperwork and require information that so many people do not have at their disposal or are not aware. Being duped is the last thing that a car shopper or trader needs as a […]