Search Results for "Creation"


How Playing Football May Increase Arthritis Risks?

The world is currently enjoying FIFA World Cup in Brazil and nobody is worried about the dangers football can subject the players into. According to latest research, a range of sporting events including football increase the risk of a player to developing arthritis. In an annual meeting for the American […]

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6 Ways to Improve Your Business

In today's competitive business market, more care and attention than ever must be put into your business. Sometimes these are changes that you must make, but on other occasions the entire staff has alter its collective mind-set. If you put into practice only a handful of the ideas in the […]

Elder care Nutrition

What to Eat in Old Age

Let's face it, being old is not so bad. You have so much free time to do whatever you want, travel, watch TV or even to finally learn how to knit, and you can spend all the time in the world with your family, grandkids and friends. But on the […]

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Watchmaking History in The Val De Travers

The beginnings of the longstanding watchmaking adventure in the Canton of Neuchatel date back to as early as 1650, thanks to the incomparable know-how of Daniel Jean-Richard, who is credited with initiating watch production in the region. The mastery of watchmaking is closely linked to the dexterity developed by local […]


Top Challenges of Successful Enterprises

The evidence is clear that to survive and succeed, enterprises must change their approaches to conduct successful business in the globalized economy. Whereas gradual change has always been required to adapt to new conditions, the pace is now accelerating and incremental change is no longer sufficient. There are many reasons […]

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A Brief History of Casio

For those of a certain age the Casio brand is synonymous with calculators. Back in my school days the only piece of technical wizardry available was indeed a calculator and it was a must have feature of all school bags. The calculators were invariably Casio and at the time they […]


Is the Free Hotel Wi-Fi Just for Promotion?

Just as travelers never asked whether the hotel rooms have television or air conditioner, most of them do not bother to query about the internet access. Wi-Fi is fast becoming a basic amenity and the travelers worldwide increasingly expect that their hotel room will be equipped with broadband. When there […]