Search Results for "visualize"

Green tech

How Technology is Reshaping the World of Healthcare

The latest technologies are already making real changes in the world of healthcare and emerging tech-trends promise to create nothing short of an industry-wide revolution. From automated surgeries to 3D printed prosthetic, the latest advances in medicine are already allowing for a wider range of procedures, options and a higher […]


Why a Vlog May Just Blow Up Your Business

At first instance, you might think a video blog (vlog) as being pretentious and time wasting right? However, be prepared to eat humble pie since video content is now taking over the world. Studies show 60% of internet users are more likely to watch a video rather than read your […]


Do 3D Animations give realistic images?

If realistic images are what you are interested in, then three-dimensional animation is for you. People who have seen a lot of cartoons in their childhood knows what animation is. It is a technique by which some pictures or drawings are placed in a particular sequence to show movement using […]


What to Look for in an Expert Witness?

Thanks to the popularity of serials such as ‘Law and Order’, the expectations that jurors have from expert witnesses are very high. Regardless of whether you’re on the plaintiff’s side or on the defense’s and regardless of the type of case you’re handling – petty theft or accident investigation – […]


Omni-channel vs. Multi-channel Marketing

You could almost mistake it for a distinction without a difference. In fact, some of the most seasoned marketing professionals have been known to do just that. However, the devil is in the details, and the fact is that omni-channel marketing and multi-channel marketing – two hot topics in the […]