Search Results for "transmitted"


Cervical Cancer Treatment

The cervical cancer is the cancer of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus or womb, which is connected to the upper vagina. Cervical cancer develops when the abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix begin to multiply out of control and forms the pre-cancerous lesions. If it […]


Things Parents Should Know about Viral Fever

Viral fever is a broad spectrum of viral infections that can be transmitted from one person to another through the air and physical contact. Babies and toddlers are more prone to viral fever as their immune system is not very strong. During viral infection, the virus enters our body system, […]


Benefits of Window Replacement

When homeowners think about upgrading their homes windows installation often comes to mind and for good reason. Updating those old windows provides a wide array of benefits to not only you and your family but to your home as well. Improved Energy Efficiency Older windows are just not nearly as […]

Data security

Identity Theft and the World Wide Web

Identity theft is an increasing problem that has achieved worldwide, substantial proportions. On the internet identification theft is on the rise and can have a huge, detrimental effect on your lifestyle by ruining your credit ranking rating and even leaving you open to legal charges for legal offenses that are […]


Cardiac Surgery in India-Facts Revealed

The cardiac surgery is the surgery on the heart or the great vessels. This surgery is performed for correcting the congenital heart disease, for treating the complications of the ischemic heart diseases and treat the valvular heart diseases. It will help treating the valvular heart diseases which are caused due to […]


Clever Strategies to Recruit Great Employees

Your company's success is closely linked to the quality of the people you hire. Social media allows businesses to easily find job candidates. However, those same social networking tools have increased competition for great employees. Use these strategies to find qualified job candidates. How candidates look for jobs Job candidates […]