Search Results for "modern cyber"

Data security

Security in the Digital Era

Cybersecurity is a word that you may have heard around lately if you are a manager or owner of a small business, particularly if that business is online or uses a system in its processes. True to its name, cybersecurity is simply security on a digital level. It is designed […]


Engineering Challenges for The Future

The achievements and advancements that were made over the last century by talented engineers have changed the shape of our world today and vastly improved the quality of our lives. Looking to the future, as the world population continues to grow and our needs expand there are several areas for […]


Tips to Secure a Wireless Network

Today, "Internet" is a basic and primary need of everyone. We live in 21st century, which is modern and technical Era and no one can live without the internet. Every place needs an internet connection for a better communication to get more knowledge such as in homes, in business and […]