Search Results for "web hosting"

Web reviews

Greengeeks Managed VPS Hosting Review

A managed virtual private server (VPS) is a hosting service that offers you a virtual, segregated, independent server managed by your hosting provider. There are many benefits to this hosting option. The first is that it’s managed, meaning you don’t have to worry about any setup or maintenance. Everything is […]


Why the WordPress Hosting Is a Good Option?

Hosted services designed specifically for WordPress can help your site achieve optimal security and performance. But even so, there are still dozens of quality choices on the market. How can website owners know which one is best for them? The key is to understand the specific needs and requirements of […]


Free Websites – Are They any Good?

The thought of getting a free website is tempting. The internet is full of companies offering free website hosting even for self-hosted WordPress. You’re probably wondering what’s the catch? Why isn’t everyone else using a free WordPress website? There has been a large uptake of free websites by small NZ […]


5 Reasons You Should Prefer Windows VPS Hosting

In today’s technically advanced world, there is nothing that isn’t achievable through the digital medium. Be it hosting a website or using a software for data management, you get it all through easy and cost-effective methods. And when you need help with your website hosting requirements, the primary things to […]