Search Results for "quick conversations"


Top 8 Mistakes in Scrum and How to Avoid Them

Scrum is used by companies worldwide for effective team collaboration and building complex products. It is lightweight and simple to understand but difficult to master. This is the reason why companies tend to make a lot of mistakes while implementing Agile and Scrum. Some of these common mistakes are: Practices […]


The Big Impact of Career Guidance on your Career

Have a chat about ‘nothing’? Many people do not want the use of it. They think that this makes them less intelligent or interesting. You only have in-depth discussions during meetings, on the work floor, and in interviews. But is that really so? Some people are not talkers by nature and therefore skip career guidance. Waste […]


7 Crucial Characteristics Of a Successful Blogger

At first glance, blogging looks like a fairly straightforward activity. After all, writing a short blog post doesn’t look like it requires too much effort. It’s just a matter of regularly posting “something” to the blog and the readers will keep turning up — right? Most bloggers quickly discover that […]


How AI Is Affecting the Way We Do Business

Artificial intelligence no longer belongs to the future but to the now. It is making its way from lab to office to home. This means businesses are more or less feeling its impact. And we are not just referring to technological companies. Now, look at this: the use of AI […]


How AI in Wearable Health Apps Will Change Tomorrow

Wearable devices when powered with AI technologies, getting immense capabilities to yield better applications for a bright tomorrow and give new directions to the healthcare industry. The current post is describing how AI can aid wearable apps to serve the industry in better ways. Let’s see how it could be. […]

Twitter Marketing
Social media

Why Twitter Matters to Marketing

Is twitter still considered to be a good marketing platform? With the newer and image-driven social apps like Snapchat, Instagram, many people in the market have lost their interest in twitter. Many marketers have started to prefer chasing the new social sites and they are ignoring twitter. It’s that time […]